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September 2014  “Testimony of Thanksgiving”
Masayuki Arai

Ms. Karie Martin

Praise the Lord.  I truly thank you for all of your prayers.  Without your intercessory prayers, I wouldn’t have recovered this much.  From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all.

Until today, I have been battling terminal cancer through three major operations and radiation treatments.  Now, it has been about two and a half years since I’ve started treatment with a new anti-cancer agent in clinical trial. 

As soon as I started this new treatment, I felt that there was a stiff swelling on my right chest.  After examination, it was determined that the cancer has spread to my bones.  However, as I continued with the treatment, gradually the swelling has gone away.

After a while, near my hip was swollen and hurting.  It was unbearably painful.  I’ve been going through treatments after treatments and yet, the cancer has spread again to a different place.  This time, I really was depressed. 

One night when both my wife and Joy has gone out and was alone in a quiet house, I was in deep prayer.  From my heart, I was focused in prayer of repentance. 

The next morning when I woke up, the swelling in my hip has gone away.  I thanked Jesus Christ who healed me so fast.  However, for few days, I was doubtful that I was truly healed.  I was unfaithful.  I doubted the healing power of Jesus Christ.  Once again, I repented. 

Since then, I changed my prayers from “heal me,” to “I am healed!”  When you have confidence that you are healed, you can feel more of His wonderful healing power.

Few months ago, there was a swelling in my mouth. When my tongue and teeth touched, it hurt.  I thought the cancer has spread again.  Hoping that I’m worrying too much, I trusted Jesus and with confidence, I prayed that I was healed.  Then after few days, the pain and the swelling was gone. 

The Lord is alive in my heart.  When I saw the radiant light of hope, I praised Hallelujah.  I did the same thing when Joy had a stomachache, then it went away in few minutes.

Today, I am continuing chemotherapy, but I do not have any side effects.  Even my doctor is surprised with this.  He says that he has never seeing a case like this.  This truly is grace of God. 

I have an appetite and I am writing again.  I’ve started an essay column in newspaper and magazine.  Also, I am continuing with my life work of poem and critics.

By guidance of Jesus’ healing, I am in thanks everyday.  I want to ask for your continuing prayers. 

Lastly, I want to thank everyone again.  I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

In Christ, Amen.

Few words and “Flower Blossomed”
Masayuki Arai

My life is full of mistakes.  You can always correct mistakes, but there are no redoing successes. 

The life of a flower is short.  Yet, it reaches to flourish beautifully and proudly.  Even in difficulties, let us live our lives fully.

In life, when we stumble, our hearts tremble.   You cannot learn the important lessons without stumbling.  Grass continues to grow strongly, even when it is stepped on over and over.  For every set backs, you learn to be kinder.  Kindness is a treasure. 

Oppressed is the heart that feels oppressed.  Jinxed are those feeling they are jinxed.  Those who live positively are those who reached happiness.

Sing when you are upset.  Dance when hate crosses your mind.  To forget is to forgive. 

My cancer is at stage 4.  I was pronounced that I have four months to live, but there is no need to fear cancer.  Laugh it away.  At the gate of laughter is the cure for cancer. 

Without the agony of suffering from terminal disease, I would’ve lost the true love. 

“Through cancer, God’s love, I acclaim”

Flower Blossomed

In the mountain of rubble, a flower of the field blossomed.
Taught me to be beautiful and to be strong.

In the midst of sorrow, blossomed a delightful flower.
Graciousness sprouted, be peaceful, an Angel whispered. 

In misery, a flower of hope blossomed.
More beautiful, ever and ever. 


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